Merlin seafood shop

Merlin – Seafood Shop – the new seafood concept in Eindhoven. A pearl. The hotspot for the fish lover. Merlin – Seafood Shop is all about beautiful products from the sea. Everything is fresh and of the highest quality. From exclusive fresh fish to fish products, salads and ready meals: Merlin Seafood Shop offers dishes for your home comparable to the quality you get in top restaurants.

Merlin – Seafood Shop is the new seafood shop in Eindhoven. Our fishermen set out every day for the tastiest exclusive fresh fish. Oysters, halibut, mussels or scallops: these are just a few of the fresh range. In addition to our range of fresh fish and seafood, we also have tasty dishes for home, fish salads and the most delicious to-go meals and sandwiches.

Merlin is derived from the French ‘Mer’ and is a combination of the Dutch name Linda. It is a reflection of French gastronomic quality, Brabantse (a province in the Netherlands) hospitality and the richness of the sea. As a sparring partner and advisor, she is in contact with Nico Zwarthoed, who opened the fish shop Visch in Den Bosch in 2013, a well-known connoisseur of high-quality fish products. The Merlin concept has been shaped by his experience and knowledge, among other things. With Merlin – Seafood Bar & Shop, Linda sets a new standard for the quality of fresh fish in the Eindhoven region.

Merlin – Seafood Shop: your rock in the surf.

Lieve gasten,

Met pijn in ons hart hebben wij helaas de deuren van Merlin moeten sluiten. Met veel liefde en trots hebben wij de afgelopen maanden gewerkt in en aan ons mooie restaurant, maar moeten we nu tot de conclusie komen dat het ons op deze plek niet gaat lukken. We willen alle gasten bedanken voor de prettige ervaringen en het vertrouwen in ons.

We hopen dat jullie genoten hebben en wij jullie in de toekomst wellicht op een andere locatie mogen ontvangen.
